Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Canvas is a Full-Length Mirror

I used poster paint on these full-length mirrors. The front is still a mirror but I painted all over the back. I'm more fond of the red and blue one with the serious black glyphs than I am of the lighter one. I did the red and blue one (on the right) several years ago. Then that mirror broke and my mother went and bought me a new mirror, which I promptly painted all over, much to her dismay.
The one on the right is more serious, more nightmarish than the one on the left, which is sort of dream-like and humble. If you zoom in on the left canvas, towards the bottom where the maroon circle is, I used pelican ink to create light lines.
I consider this to be an expression of Pollock-esque painting. He is one of my favorite painters and I love to imitate him and even when I'm not intentionally imitating him, I wind up with something that reminds me of "Totem" or or another canvas.
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